Hopatcong Men Arrested for Allegedly Destroying Mailboxes
Two Hopatcong Men Accused of Destroying More Than 50 Residential Mailboxes
Police arrested two men accused of destroying more than 50 mailboxes in Hopatcong, NJ on New Year’s Day. The suspects are William Russell and James Cranmer, two 21-year-old men who both reside in Hopatcong, New Jersey. According to Hopatcong law enforcement officials, Russell and Cranmer went to Pavinci’s, a local bar, on January 1 and got drunk. Then, on their way home from the bar, Russell and Cranmer allegedly got it into their heads that it would be a good idea to smash mailboxes outside homes on several roads, including Lakeside Boulevard, Durban Road, and Sharps Rock Road.
The Hopatcong Police Department received numerous 911 calls from Hopatcong residents who complained that two men were damaging their mailboxes. Hopatcong cops rushed to the area and followed the easy-to-track footprints of the culprits to a residence located on Sharps Rock Road. A Hopatcong police officer than talked to a woman who was later identified as Russell’s mother. The woman introduced Russell and Cranmer to the police officer – and the men then allegedly confessed to the crimes. The suspects were subsequently placed under arrest and charged with multiple counts of criminal mischief.
Criminal Mischief: Penalties for Destroying Property in Sussex County, New Jersey
Russell and Cranmer have been charged with criminal mischief for allegedly destroying more than 25 mailboxes. According to authorities, the other mailboxes that Russell and Cranmer kicked and punched were not damaged badly enough to warrant criminal charges. At this time, Hopatcong detectives are continuing to investigate the property destruction. This means that additional charges could be forthcoming, depending on the findings of investigators. The Hopatcong Police Department has issued a statement to local residents and asked any victims to come forward. Additionally, Hopatcong police have asked victims of the mailbox destruction to make sure that their mail, including bills and other time-sensitive documents, hasn’t gone missing.
Russell and Cranmer face severe penalties if they are convicted on the criminal mischief charges that they already face. As set forth by N.J.S.A. 2C:17-3, criminal mischief is a crime of the third degree if the offender damages property and causes a loss of at least $2,000. If the property damage totals at least $500, the offender can be charged with a fourth degree felony. In this case, the total property damage will have to be assessed and aggregated before prosecutors can determine whether Russell and Cranmer will face felony charges in Sussex County Superior Court or disorderly persons offenses in Hopatcong Municipal Court.
Free Consultation with Hopatcong Criminal Mischief Lawyer Travis J. Tormey
Travis Tormey is an experienced criminal attorney who represents clients accused of criminal mischief, trespassing, and other offenses in Hopatcong, New Jersey. If you or a loved one has been charged with criminal mischief in Hopatcong or anywhere else in Sussex County, NJ, let Attorney Tormey and his skilled legal team defend you against the charges. Contact the Tormey Law Firm now to schedule a free consultation.