Sussex County Synthetic Marijuana Possession Lawyers
Handling Synthetic Marijuana Charges in Newton, Sparta, Vernon NJ
Synthetic Marijuana Charges NJ
The Warren County NJ synthetic marijuana attorneys at the Tormey Law Firm LLC handle only criminal cases. As a result, our criminal defense team is composed of former NJ prosecutors and experienced criminal defense attorneys who have literally handled thousands of drug cases in New Jersey. In fact, Alissa Hascup prosecuted a 500-lb marijuana possession case as a Morris County prosecutor for the State of NJ. Then, while working for the Tormey Law Firm, she defended a 350-lb marijuana possession case in Union County NJ. As a result, our lawyers are ready and able to assist you with any and all drug charges you may be facing in Hackettstown, Belvidere, Sparta, and Phillipsburg. Contact our offices now for a free initial consultation at 973-755-1695.
Here is a review from one of the many satisfied Tormey Law Firm clients:
“Elite NJ Marijuana Attorney! 5 Stars!!”
Posted by Jon
“Second time in 18 months Travis has gotten me out of multiple marijuana charges with just court fines. No probation, no loss of license, just pay the fine. (Decent little fine tho hear in NJ). But by nj state law with all my charges was facing a potential 2 year loss of license, probation and even jail! I enjoy the occasional smoke so probation was something that was terrifying. That was no obstacle for Mr. Travis Tormey and his team as I left court with just a fine and no other punishment.Hiring Travis made my entire situation way less stressful. Travis is an excellent defense attorney and from my experiences with him shows very strong knowledge of constitutional rights, yet blends that with superb negotiating skills in court as well as tremendous charisma in front of the judge. Travis and his team do a great job of not only taking the stres out of the process but as well as getting you the best legal representation you could hope for. Also very nonjudgemental and didn’t seem to think negatively of me as a person, not that it matters. If you are facing marijuana charges in nj I highly recommend Mr. Travis Tormey as an elite attorney. He will do a great job and most importantly does not make false promises but delivers the goods on game day. Excellent attorney, and the head of a tremendous team.. 5 stars.”
Synthetic Marijuana Charges in New Jersey
The distribution and possession of synthetic marijuana is illegal in New Jersey. In fact, when it comes to possession of synthetic marijuana in Sussex and Warren County, the crimes are graded higher than possession of natural marijuana. For example, the lowest level possession offense for natural marijuana is a disorderly person’s offense but the lowest level possession offense for synthetic marijuana is a fourth degree crime. The New Jersey Criminal Code sets forth that synthetic marijuana or the category of synthetic cannabinoids shall include any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that is not included in Schedule I, II, III, IV and V, other than as a synthetic cannabinoid, is not a federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drug, and contains any quantity of the following substances, their salts, isomers (whether optical, positional, or geometric), homologues (analogs), and salts of isomers and homologues (analogs), unless specifically excepted, whenever the existence of these salts, isomers, homologues (analogs), and salts of isomers and homologues (analogs) is possible within the specific chemical designation: naphtoylindoles, naphthylmethylindoles, naphthoylpyrroles, naphthylmethylindenes, phenylacetylindoles, cyclohexylphenols, benzolindoles, adamantoylindoles, and any other synthetic chemical compound that is a cannabinoid receptor agonist.
Regarding the manufacturing, distribution, or possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana, N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5.3(b) establishes that it is a crime for any person knowingly or purposely to manufacture, distribute, or dispense, or to possess or have under his control with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense any synthetic cannabinoid. For such offenses, when the amount of synthetic marijuana involved is over one ounce, it is a second degree crime and less than one ounce, a third degree crime. As for simple possession, N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5.3(c) sets forth that it is a crime for any person, knowingly or purposely, to obtain or possess a synthetic cannabinoid. A person who violates this section where the quantity involved is one ounce or more, including adulterants and dilutants, is guilty of a crime of the third degree and if the amount involved is less than once ounce, is a crime of the fourth degree.
The penalties for synthetic marijuana include fines, jail time and loss of driving privileges. Specifically, a second degree crime carries a five to ten year prison sentence and up to at $150,000 fine, a third degree crime imposes a three to five year prison sentence and up to a $15,000 fine, and a fourth degree crime may result in up to eighteen months in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. Additionally, N.J.S.A. 2C:35-15 sets forth the drug enforcement and demand reduction penalties in the amount of $750 for a fourth degree crime, $1,000 for a third degree crime, and $2,000 for a second degree crime and regardless of the level of offense, N.J.S.A. 2C:35-16, imposes that the court shall also suspend the defendant’s driver’s license for six months to two years.
Need Synthetic Marijuana Lawyer in Warren County? Contact Us
Thus, if are charged with possession or possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana in Sussex or Warren County, you have a lot on the line and you should contact the experienced drug defense attorneys at the Tormey Law Firm. Our attorneys are available now to provide immediate assistance at 973-755-1695.